Loewe Anagram Basket Taschen Handtaschen Schwarz Weben Sommerkollektion
$133.00 $169.00
Frage nach mehr Informationen
Kleine Größe. Bringt die Sommeratmosphäre direkt mit. Die Anagram Basket-Handtasche wird mit einer klassischen handgeflochtenen Korbhandtasche geliefert. Tragen Sie es lässig für einen Urlaubsstil. ◇ Ein Must-Have für den Sommer.
Größe: 34 cm ~ 16,5 cm ~ 13 cm
Stilnummer: 8007
Farbe: Schwarz
Größe: 34 cm ~ 16,5 cm ~ 13 cm
Stilnummer: 8007
Farbe: Schwarz
Categories: Handtaschen, Taschen
Brands: Loewe, Loewe Anagram Basket
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The fake bags came for a month. Not crumpled. I liked the quality. The material of the fake bags as in the photo.
Excellent loewe replica bags, came in three weeks
cheap bags-Super! The quality is excellent. Packed reliably. I recommend the seller. thanks for the small gift.
Corresponds to the description. Corresponds to the price and even more. Nice replica bags.
he is best the seller,he replied all them clearly with details and helped,and cheap bags are perfect as explained,thank you so much
Order received. Thank you very much. loewe cheap bags excellent.
I just love this fake loewe bags. This is my 5th fake loewe bags in a row.
The replica bags is cool! The quality is good, delivered quickly. Take it!!
The replica bags came for 17 Days, everything is perfectly thanks I’m happy