Yves Saint Laurent Taschen Tragetaschen Braun
$99.00 $130.00
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Categories: Taschen, Tragetaschen
Brands: Yves Saint Laurent
Farbe: Braun
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Excellent replica bag, everything is like in the description. fasteners all work fine. Delivery is generally Super, in 17 days
thank you seller who recommend to everyone
Buy again because I liked the quality
I love it good material
size are excellent. Fast delivery. Thank
Product as described,fast shipping,excellent packing and a responsive seller.
Very beautiful. Loved
Color beautiful, bright. it fits the description
A good roomy replica bag, for your money, thank you to the seller, sent quickly, packed well, it came-quickly.
I really liked this replica ysl bag and the replica ysl bag very beautiful,recommend 100%